Self-Alignment Assessment
In part it is the ADHD, but in part it is just how I am made - I get super energized by new ideas, when I think I can learn something, when I am curious, and when I am building or creating. The flip side is after a few years, that same project or role loses its luster. Or, people make assumptions that because you are good at something, you must enjoy it. When I have found myself at crossroads in my career or life, or when someone asks me the dreaded question about what do I see as my next role, I’ve always been at a loss.
“What I am looking for is not a defined thing. What I am looking for is a feeling. ”
A few years ago, I decided I needed some better way of articulating what I want. And, just as importantly, where I can add value and impact. I sketched a 2x2 on my whiteboard, and attempted to balance out this mysterious equation of Skill and Enjoyment. What took shape as I plotted words and ideas and roles and tasks into the graph has become a tool I keep returning to: the Self-Alignment Assessment.
So, your turn!
Instructions: You can use this template as a worksheet, or sketch your own.
The Y-axis is how much you enjoy the thing, from Love to Hate.
The X-axis is your skill level at the thing, from Terrible to Amazing.
Decide the scope you want to focus on.
Maybe you want to keep it totally freeform, maybe you want it to be about your career. Personally, I suggest letting your brain wander without boundary the first time you use this exercise.
Start tossing things onto the graph.
Don’t think of this as 4 squares, think of this as 2 axis and you can place your words anywhere to best reflect where they sit on those spectrums. The first time I did this, I had things as random as “Rapping” way up night in that as Love/Terrible corner. I had “staying in lanes” as halfway to Hate and halfway to Terrible.
Step back and do nothing further for a day.
A few hours at least. Most importantly, do not read ahead in this article until you’ve first done the work!
After a beat of time, come back and review it.
Take a look at what surprised you, notice any patterns.
*Spoiler alert- wait to read this section until you’ve done your first assessment.
Then consider this framework for each quadrant:
This is the Limiting box. Are there things in this box you have to do today? How can you adjust or change that? Maybe it needs to be a new boundary, or a hard No. This box is by far the biggest source of friction and drag on your energy, and more importantly any time spent here is an opportunity cost for not spending time on the things in other boxes.
Energy: Down,
Impact: Internally negative, Externally negative
This is the Giving box. Probably others often defer these things to you because you do them well, but you don’t get enjoyment from doing them. Maybe they feel tedious, or boring. The things in this box are excellent candidates to coach, teach and empower others. Use your skill to find someone else who would place that same thing much higher on their enjoyment line. Or, maybe sometimes do the thing you’re great at to help a bigger cause, or assist someone else as an act of giving.
Energy: Down
Impact: Internally negative, Externally positive
This is the Growth box. Maybe some of the things here are never meant to be, but maybe there are some gems in here that you could seek out more opportunities for exposure, find an expert and learn from, or build a plan to proactively grow into something. This box may be the secret to what you look for in your next chapter.
Energy: Up
Impact: Internally positive, Externally negative
This is the Integration box. Fantastic! This box is your sweet spot. Do you prioritize your energy on these things? When you spend your time in this box, you are living in an integrated way. You enjoyment, and the value you are creating, are aligned. Maybe it even feels like an audible click when you are in this box. And if you find nearly none of your time is in this box, you have some reprioritization to do.
Energy: Up
Impact: Internally positive, Externally positive
I come back to this self-alignment assessment, both to reflect on prior version as well as start fresh every once in a while to create a new one, and it reorients me. It can become a cheat sheet to your own self.
I want to know how it goes for you! Give it a try and let me know what cool things you learn about yourself. (And if anyone knows how to rap, and wants to teach a hopeless student, let me know!)